The Pharmacogenetic allele Frequency database

Pharmacogenetic (PGx) variability in drug metabolism and transport significantly influences individual differences in drug efficacy and safety. Genetic variants, particularly within the CYP, UGT, and SULT families, account for much of the variability in enzyme and transporter expression and activity. While PGx guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for drug selection and dosing in personalized medicine, effective global implementation requires access to population-specific PGx variant frequencies. The Pharmacogenetic Allele Frequency (PharmFreq) database serves as a comprehensive knowledgebase, repository, and search tool for country-specific pharmacogenetic allele frequencies on a global scale. It allows users to explore the ethnogeographic variability of genetically encoded drug response differences and to identify outlier populations that may benefit from tailored therapeutic adjustments. By facilitating an easy access to this information, PharmFreq supports the broader clinical integration of pharmacogenomics. An overview of the data can be found in this publication: Tremmel R, Zhou Y, Camara MD, Laarif S, Eliasson E, and Lauschke VM (2024) PharmFreq: a comprehensive atlas of ethnogeographic allelic variation in clinically important pharmacogenes. Nucleic Acids Res, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae101

Roman Tremmel
Roman Tremmel

My research interests include pharmacogenomics, bioinformatics and data analysis.
